Sunday, June 24, 2012

Such a bad blogger

     Well, it's that time of the year again.
The time when something important happened, I have reached another important milestone in my life, and I'm feeling inspired to write a new blog. Partly guilty too for having let a few months go by without writing down my feelings.
However, this is it.
I have officially started college.
And I am now living alone.
And I am living in a different country from the one I grew up in and the country my family currently live in. It’s a pretty big change in my opinion. And I think that you could say the same. Anyways, it was my wish to update this blog regularly, to keep friends and family updated about the little things I’m busy with. However, if you looked at my last blog entry, you’d find that I wrote it this February. It is now June.
So here are the basics. I have started college in a small Christian school called Messiah College. No, it’s not the one in Pennsylvania, it’s in the Philippines. And after the first week, I’m pretty sure why God put me in this school. It’s a great fit for me. The faculty and staff will be a big help for me as I grow in my Christian life and the experiences I will have and I am having in this school will be ones that I will be able to use in my future.
And these students! We have only 21 freshmen, and they’re all so different and interesting. I’m looking forward to spending my weekdays with them for four years.
Anyways, it’s getting late. I just wanted to write a quick update before I head to bed.
Have a good night/day and hopefully you’ll hear from me soon.
