Thursday, September 13, 2012

A simple essay

 Messiah College
                                                               Midterm Exam
Andrea Natividad                                                                                            September 11, 2012

                          Women who get pregnant out of wedlock should not necessarily marry

I believe that it was L.M. Montgomery who once said, “We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”
I agree with this statement. One mistake should not define your future. If a woman who committed pre-marital sex with a man whom she was not planning to marry gets pregnant, realizes her mistake and gets married to her ‘baby daddy’ because they believe that this will make them right in God’s eyes, they are wrong. God’s will for marriage is not based on having a baby. Marriage is a sacred gift of God to humankind. How could something be given when you take it without it being offered to you? That is not receiving, that is considered stealing.
“I’m pregnant.” Those two words can flip your world upside down. For a young woman, unmarried and with no committed partner, this news is bad. The news is even worse when this young woman happens to be a Christian who made a mistake one night. She knows that what she did was wrong, and she wants to make things right. So she wants to get married, because it is God’s desire for every child to have a father. This young woman may not be in love with this man, and he is certainly not a guy she would ever marry if she wasn’t pregnant, but this would make things right, right? NO! Two wrongs don’t make a right. She may be making an even bigger mistake and may even be completely removing herself from God’s will if she follows through with this decision. She could be sacrificing whatever God’s best plan for her is in exchange of something that she and the man may think is right. This woman, by wanting to do what is right, may just be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
By getting married, two people commit to a lifelong covenant. The words ‘til death do us apart’ should ring in your ears. Having a baby is no reason to get married. What if the child gets in an accident and tragically passes away? The couple now has no reason to stay married. Thus they divorce. Statistics prove that couples who get married because a baby is on the way have a higher chance of failure than those marriages based on real love, patience and trust.
Of course there are certain cases when it is the best for the expecting couple to get married. For instance, if they were already planning to get married, it would absolutely be the wisest choice to just get married sooner. Having both a mother and a father present before the child is born is the most ideal situation. The couple, who had a good solid foundation for their relationship, will most likely work out with no problems. They were already on the way to marriage; the baby may just be a speed lane. However, if you’re talking about a different couple, marriage is most definitely not the path they should take. This couple might just be marrying for the sake of saving themselves from embarrassment of their sin. It takes a lot of maturity to raise a child. However, by being rash in their decision to get married, the couple is showing immaturity. They are just going to prolong the wait until their marriage, which was not built on a solid foundation, eventually collapses. If you want a marriage to properly work, God should be at the center, not a pregnancy.
