Saturday, June 1, 2013

Things That Cause Strife

It's June 1st.

In two days, my mother and my siblings will be arriving to the Philippines. In a few weeks, my sophomore year of college will have started. That means that I'll get to meet new freshmen, new professors and be challenged by new subjects. 
    Every time a new month starts, I feel like it's my chance to start anew. This month, one of my 'personality' goals is to be less irritated by little things. 

Here is a list of ten things that cause me strife. 

          Things That Cause Strife

1. Flaky Internet connection.
2. The other queue moving faster.
3. Forgetting to put the lid on cookie jars and finding ants inside.
4. People who don't drain the water from inside the soap dish. 
5. Losing important papers that I placed between pages of books.
6. Things forgotten on "to do" list.
7. Spending a lot of money for a drink that wasn't even good. 
8. People who can't act and don't really seem to have any talent are getting famous on TV because of their looks. 
9. Food I ordered taking too long. 
10. No toilet paper in the bathroom.

Now, who wouldn't be frustrated by these things, yeah? It's so easy to yell out in anger and just let my mouth say whatever that it wants to say. It doesn't matter whether I'd be blaming people, asking them, "Did someone play bongos on your head when you were a baby, or are you just really dumb?" Or start kicking things and pushing people aggressively, I just need to let off my steam. 
However, according to the Bible, on Proverbs 17:14, to be precise, it says, 

The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out.

So there you have it. I need to quit. A quarrel is like a built up pressure inside a dam, yeah? And if I start to react, it's like a leak in the dam. If I don't want all that water to eventually burst, I need to keep my mouth shut and not get affected. 

Now for some extra news. 

I'm going to start to read 1 book from the BBC Big Read list and 1 Christian book per month and write a blog about them. For June, the books that I have chosen are Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Emma by Jane Austen. Let's see how this goes. I love Francis Chan, and I dislike most of Jane Austen's work. But I will be updating the blog when I finish these books, if not earlier. I will be sharing my favorite thing about it, or what I enjoyed, liked or disliked and my favorite quotes from the books. Hopefully, I will be consistent in blogging now! 

Until next time. Peace and love 


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