Monday, January 23, 2012

Katy Perry

I had been wondering about a good topic to blog about, and I had also been waiting for something interesting to happen to me. So... yesterday something awesome did happen! I went to a Katy Perry concert!!!
I had such terrific fun and had a crazy adventure. It began when my two cousins and I arrived at Mall of Asia Concert Grounds. We only had our cameras, albeit super expensive SLRs, I had a Nikon D3100 with a 18-200mm telephoto zoom lens while my cousins had a Canon 550D. We brought such expensive cameras since we only got a general admissions ticket and we knew that with 25,000 people expected to watch, we really need binoculars or a really nice zoom lens camera to actually see Katy Perry's face.
We arrived at the concert grounds with plenty of time to spare and we were one of the firsts to be checked in. Except that they didn't actually let us in on account of us having super expensive cameras.
They wouldn't let me in since I had an expensive camera! How crazy is that??? The huge bouncer, affectionately and appropriately nicknamed "Bulldog," was very nice, even though he wouldn't let us in. He was just very soft-spoken and answered us back nicely after we pestered him with questions like, "Why don't YOU take the camera and we'll just get it back from you after?"
Finally, after asking a bunch of security guards, one of them suggested we go to a police station and see if they'd take our stuff. They did. Well, this nice young policeman did. I'd like to think it was because of our good looks, and I might be right. An older policeman teased me when we were taking his number but I didn't give him mine.
Anyways, walking to the concert grounds, I walked alongside a very cute guy that was getting attention from these girls. I poked my cousin in the arm, "Who's he?"
She went, "Oh my gosh, IVAN!"
He was a Filipino-American Pinoy Big Brother housemate, who's doing some acting jobs here. I sort of wanted a picture, but didn't wanna seem too weird and my cousins had already met him (and hugged him!) several times before.
We were finally let inside the concert grounds at 8 pm. A little after that DJ Skeet Skeet played some songs but Katy Perry didn't come out until 10 pm! Apparently they had some security and technical problems that couldn't be resolved.
But after that, everything went smoothly. Katy was soo amazing, I've never been so starstruck in my entire life. She was super nice to the Filipino fans, complimenting Manila and everything. She was also incredible live and she was hilarious. She just had that stage presence that was so captivating. There is nobody else on the planet like her. Unless you're counting physically and so that girl Zooey whatever-her-last-name-is from (500) Days of Summer might count. Just since Zooey had the face and a good voice, but at least Katy Perry has facial expressions. Cute ones too.
The highlight of the concert was when Katy said that the first guy to take his shirt off could come on stage. She had very playful banters with a few audiences. "How old are you? You're lying, you're 12."
"How old are you? 16? Is that legal here? I don't wanna go to jail."
And finally, "You, I was gonna pick you but you don't have your shirt off so that means you're probably so full of yourself. So come on, take it off. I haven't got all day!"
Guess who she picked? She picked that Ivan guy!
He looked good with his shirt off, nice pecs and all. Katy was flirty with him and he seemed quite nervous. Their exchange went something like this,
"How old are you?"
Ivan's confident reply, "21." OOOOOOOOOHHH!
"What's your name?"
"Where are you from?"
"Guess what, I'm gonna be in LA tomorrow."
Then Katy gives Ivan his teenage dream and kisses him on the cheek. Then she told him to lay one on her. Both of them were so lucky. Hahahaha.
After the concert, we were stuck inside for a while, the guards wouldn't let us out. Finally they did, and we saw a few local stars coming home after the concert. A famous couple was walking with escorts and 20 or so people trailing them, at first i thought it was Katy Perry but then I realized that she wouldn't walk.
A while after that we walked around trying to get a taxi, or a bus or whatever transportation that could take us home. All of a sudden, people started running around and I saw Katy Perry's limo with her upper torso sticking out of the roof. She waved and went back in before I could take a picture.

Hope you enjoyed reading this long recap of last Sunday night. I'll write another blog when I feel the need to say something again and/or something interesting happens to me. To friends, I'm doing alright and if you don't hear from me it's because I'm busy or not doing well, but please believe that everything will go well soon.

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