Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Whew! It's been a while.

Wow, I can't believe my last post was 4 years ago. I guess this blog thing didn't work out for me then, so I'm gonna try it again. Hopefully I'm a little bit more mature now. :)

So after spending the past 8 years in China, I've recently come back to the Philippines (home of my forefathers, the country I was born in) for college. I'll give you a minute to process that. It's a big change, yeah?
I arrived on the 15th of January, a Sunday. Our flight from Beijing was at 1 am in the freaking morning and we landed at around 5:40. Then since there was no place to park the plane, we stayed in the... what do you call that part of the airport? Anyways, we stayed there for a while until the plane could park.

When we arrived home, around 20 minutes after, my dad received some surprising news. To say that it was bad would be an understatement. Anyways, I was eating breakfast then, and I heard him and my aunt talking... I could tell it was bad, so what I did was: I got up, plugged my earphones on, started playing Dia Frampton's Red album, turned the music all the way up, and leave the house.

Church was after. I was looking forward to surprising my friends and it was a great surprise, if I do say so myself which of course I do. I tried my best to have fun, laugh, be carefree and take my mind away from dwelling on the bad news. It worked. For a little while at least.

Things went well after that. Until today. The results for the only entrance exam that I took was posted online this morning. I didn't qualify.
My dad checked for me around 1 am, and I wish he hadn't. I couldn't sleep after. I guess he couldn't either. I was prepared to rant and scream and cry and wallow, but then I kept remembering Philippians 4:6-7. Also Jeremiah 29:11. And that is what's keeping me going for now.

I'll keep you guys updated. I think I'm starting to like this blog thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Can you write the exam again in some time soon?
    Maybe you could begin to work at some place, like a school or something while you wait for the next exam.
    Dear, I'll be praying for you. He is with you.
