Thursday, July 19, 2012

Becoming the Better Person

A lot of us have experienced being hurt, being picked on and being wronged. One of the easiest things to do is to lash out in anger and cry. It's a bit harder to brush it off, to ignore the bullies and to pretend nothing happened. What is hard is to turn the other cheek and to treat them with love.

This past few days, I have experienced this nagging depression, sadness, loneliness, homesickness, betrayal, hurts, pain and etc. It hurts when you hear bad news. It hurts when the people you thought you could trust talk about you behind your back. Numerous people have experienced this. You're so blessed if you got away without having to go through this. Just two days ago, I opened my Bible desperately. I felt called to read something and for some reason Psalms 31 jumped in my mind. Now, I've never read this passage before. I'm not too big on Psalms, I have to admit. I've always been an Ecclesiastes girl. However, after reading this particular Psalm, I suddenly... understood everything.

God needed to get my attention. He wanted me on my knees. He wanted me to turn to Him; He longed to have that level of closeness that we shared in the beginning of the year. Everything I've been hearing lately is a clear arrow to: TALK WITH GOD!!!!

And I did.

And everything is now right.

Well, not everything. In my heart I have peace. But quoting Charles Stanley, "When God speaks, He usually calls for an act of courage in our part."
My act of courage was to be the better person. To turn my cheek, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing, and to love them with the love of God. Now that was hard. But for some reason, after asking for help, it became easy.
I'm not bragging. All of a sudden, I felt this overwhelming love for these people. I wanted to do everything I could for them. And knowing how a few days ago, if I saw these guys, I would confront them or worse, cry. Now, I just want to smile at them and talk and hug them and just be the weird one.

If you're dealing with something like this, I know that it's hard. But you don't have to go through it alone. Read Psalm 31. It is a wonderful, uplifting psalm. I just want to encourage you, be there for you the way some people were there for me.

I'm doing well now. Blessed be the Lord.

Peace and love.

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