Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day #2 Random Challenge

Well I should have written this yesterday. 

7 Things I like

1. When I have a good photo. 
It's not that I'm vain or anything it's just it's nice when you see a good picture of yourself. Especially a self portrait. Haha. 

2. When I see people who really care for each other. 
It doesn't matter whether it's real, on TV or on movies, but when you really see love and people cherishing each other, I feel like crying because it's a beautiful picture. Love is good. 

3. Good hair. 
Who doesn't appreciate great hair? Especially on guys? And by good I don't mean random weird. I mean a great style. Talk about the quiff. Best hair on guys ever. Well, some guys. 

4. Great conversations. 
When you're chilling with your friends on the bed having a great conversation that is half funny and joking while you're talking about some serious stuff. Then occasional throw of a pillow at your friend's face. 

5. Food
I love food. I don't cook, but I do love to eat. And judge what is good and what is not. I would love to be a food critic. I like ice cream and frozen yogurt. And cake, lots and lots of cake. Omelettes are amazing too and so are pizzas and vegetable salads. Taco Bell is my favorite place to eat lunch, they serve really yummy food. :-) 

6. The Perfect Song
It's amazing when a great song comes on right at the perfect time. The show Chuck has a lot of these moments. The show Veronica Mars does too. Sometimes I get this feeling that I need to start playing some music out loud just to suit the mood, but that'd be really weird in real life. 

7. Covers on YouTube
I like to discover neat unsigned artists who have great potential. Sometimes they sing really good songs but lately a lot of the YouTube people have started singing a lot of mainstream songs. Still good, but my type to listen to are indie, folk and alternative. Anyways, it's still great to watch covers on YouTube and any other videos. 

7 Things I dislike

1. Selfish brats.
They're selfish. Brats are spoiled. They're opposite of what I like. What else can I say? 

2. Really bad acting. 
This is mostly seen on soap operas who hire good looking people with no experience. Sure they look good on TV, but these people still make us barf. 

3. Famous people who are famous for no reason. 
No talent, but they do have an important last name, important connections and good looks. Here in the Philippines, you add foreign blood and that's the making of a superstar. Great job. What happened to old fashioned working hard for something and being good at it and being rejected until you get your big break? Most big breaks shouldn't happen because you were at a mall and someone asked you if you had foreign blood. 

4. Ignorance. 
Sometimes ignorance is bliss, but othertimes it makes you look stupid and like a selfish brat, which is one of the things I dislike. When people are ignorant, they have to decide on two things. Do they want to expand their knowledge or stay like that? And if they pick the latter, well, I have nothing really nice to say so I''ll move on. 

5. Cockroaches. 
Ew. Ew. Ew. 

6. When something is wasted. 
Especially food. Food not used or finished should be given to people, or dogs. They shouldn't be thrown away if they could still be eaten. That's just sad. I hate wasting anything. 

7. When someone is mad and doesn't say why. 
They should just be honest. Direct confrontation is better than someone living in agony for days without knowing what she/he did wrong. 

Sorry this was short. Oh well. I'll post again for Day 3. 

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